Kdyby sis tak jeste precetla poradne i souvisejici clanky :o), pak bys narazila i na toto:
Water birth and infection in babies
EDITOR, - I wish to challenge J Rawal and colleagues" suggestion that a baby developed pseudomonas sepsis during a water birth.1 The organism was not recovered from the blood, cerebrospinal fluid, or urine of the baby, and its presence on the ear and umbilicus is poor evidence that it was the agent of the presumed sepsis. Coliforms and Pseudomonas aeruginosa can be found on surface sites of babies without sepsis. Secondly, faecal spillage from the mother into the birthing pool often occurs, and P aeruginosa can be found in the gut of healthy people. The mother was the likely source of the organism cultured both from the swabs taken from the baby and from the specimens taken from the birthing tub and its accessories.
P Sanderson
Edgware General Hospital, Edgware, Middlesex HA8 0AD
Jinak jeste bych chtela dodat, ze ten prvni clanek pochazi z North Middlesex Hospital (ten druhy odkaz od Lenky), coz je nemocnice, kterou mam "za rohem" a kde se narodil muj starsi syn Sami. Tato nemocnice je "proslavena" predevsim "hygienicky", pripojuji vytazek z clanku:
The Liberal Democrats have called for urgent action after the release of new figures showing that North Middlesex Hospital is the worst for superbug infections in the whole country. The MRSA superbug is so named because of its ability to withstand many antibiotics and to kill in hours.
MRSA infections are caused by poor hygiene in hospitals and the bug can be spread by doctors and nurses failing to wash their hands between treating patients or by the failure to clean curtains, carpets or bedding properly. More than 100 people a month are infected with MRSA whilst being treated in London hospitals, with the North Middlesex having the highest infection rate not just in London but in the whole country.
Clanek mozno precist cely na: http://www.lynnefeatherstone.org/news506.htm
Ten dopis, ktery jsem sem dala ja je tez z BMJ a lekar, ktery ho psal, pracuje v Edgware Hospital. K teto nemocnici patri i porodni centrum, kde se kazdorocne narodi v prumeru 240 deti do vody (nejvyssi pocet v UK).
Porod do vody se v soucasne dobe v North Middlesex Hosp. neprovozuje, neni dostatek PA (maji tam pravidlo, ze u zeny rodici ve vode musi asistovat 2 PA).