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CITIZENSHIP: Citizenship is based upon the Law of Nationality, of 1975, amended November 1990.

BY BIRTH: Birth within the territory of Mozambique does not automatically confer citizenship. Exceptions: A child of foreign citizens, born in the territory of Mozambique, is eligible to register for citizenship upon turning age 18. A child born in Mozambique of non-citizens, both of whom were also born in Mozambique, is granted citizenship.

BY DESCENT: Child born in Mozambique, at least one of whose parents is a citizen of Mozambique. Child born abroad, whose father is a citizen of Mozambique. (Child of a foreign father and Mozambican mother obtains father""s citizenship if child is born abroad.) Child born abroad of a Mozambican mother and an unknown father.

MARRIAGE: A foreign woman who marries a Mozambican man may register for citizenship immediately. A foreign man who marries a Mozambican woman must reside in Mozambique for five years before registering for citizenship.

BY NATURALIZATION: Mozambican citizenship may be acquired upon fulfillment of the following conditions: Person is at least 18 years old, has resided in the country for five years, and has renounced former citizenship.

DUAL CITIZENSHIP: NOT RECOGNIZED Exception: Child born abroad, who acquires the citizenship of the country of birth, may retain dual citizenship until the age of 18. Then, foreign citizenship must be renounced or Mozambican citizenship will be revoked.


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