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Persepolis - přesně. Dvojí přístup, tak typický pro dnešní svět a bohužel i pro EU. Viz třeba zde v citovaném článku z http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2011/jan/26/eu-dictators-islam-karimov
The problem is clear. The EU must decide whether it is first and foremost a champion of universal values and human rights, which Barroso claims stand "at the heart" of its foreign policy – or if its collective strategic security, political, economic and commercial interests are paramount and will primarily dictate its foreign policy actions. Either the EU believes in its founding principles, and takes strong political and legal action to uphold them, or it does not. It cannot have it both ways.
The EU""s attempts to mollycoddle Belarus ended in spectacular failure when President Alexander Lukashenko""s regime launched a brutal crackdown on opposition leaders and their supporters after last month""s election charade. Their engagement policy in ruins, EU policy-makers are now fiddling about with a set of limited, Uzbek-style sanctions, which may or may not be imposed, and which Lukashenko has in any case dismissed in advance.
This month""s Tunisian uprising highlighted the way Brussels and leading EU states that backed the regime, such as France, deliberately ignored or culpably failed to appreciate the seriousness of the human rights abuses, corruption and hardship endured by the Tunisian people over many years.
This myopia extends, too, to the poverty and repression suffered by the peoples of other Arab regimes such as Algeria, Egypt and Jordan which, however, are judged to be EU-friendly and therefore seem not to be too harshly scrutinised. Little wonder, then, that when it comes to more powerfully abusive states such as China and Russia, the EU""s record on advancing the human rights agenda is even more lamentable.