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Ráchel - tak ohledně Kambodži Chomsky kritizoval americkou propagandu týkající se Rudých Khmerů a americký nezájem týkající se genecidy ve Východním Timoru (Suharta byl totiž americký spojenec). Tedy měření dvojím metrem.

"In 1979, Chomsky and Herman published the two-volume The Political Economy of Human Rights, comparing U.S. media reactions to the Cambodian genocide and the Indonesian occupation of East Timor. They argued that because Indonesia was a U.S. ally, U.S. media ignored the East Timorian situation while focusing on that in Cambodia, a U.S. enemy.[103] The following year, Steven Lukas wrote an article for the Times Higher Education Supplement accusing Chomsky of betraying his anarchist ideals and acting as an apologist for Cambodian leader Pol Pot. Although Laura J. Summers and Robin Woodsworth Carlsen replied to the article, arguing that Lukas completely misunderstood Chomsky and Herman""s work, Chomsky himself did not. The controversy damaged his reputation.[104] Chomsky maintained that his critics printed lies about him to discredit his reputation.[105]

A tady máž o těch popíračích Holocaustu:
Although Chomsky had long publicly criticised Nazism and totalitarianism more generally, his commitment to freedom of speech led him to defend the right of French historian Robert Faurisson to advocate a position widely characterised as Holocaust denial. Chomsky""s plea for the historian""s freedom of speech would be published as the preface to Faurisson""s 1980 book Mémoire en défense contre ceux qui m""accusent de falsifier l""histoire.[106] Chomsky was widely condemned for defending Faurisson.[107] France""s mainstream press accused Chomsky of being a Holocaust denier himself, and refused to publish his rebuttals to their accusations.[108] The Faurrison Affair had a lasting, damaging effect on Chomsky""s career;[107] Werner Cohn""s Partners in Hate: Noam Chomsky and the Holocaust Deniers contained numerous falsified claims.[109]"

Nevidím nic, co by uděla špatně. Chomsky byl politicky pronásledovaná osoba, levicový aktivista, vystupující proti válce ve Vietnamu, a dlohodobě kritizuje americkou zahraniční politiku (kterou taktéž považuji za velmi krátkozrakou, selektivní a zlo plodící).

A toto jasně ukazuje, že Chomsky to má v hlavě srovnané a není jen anti-ami fanatik, jak se ho někteří snaží onálepkovat:

"Chomsky has strongly criticized the foreign policy of the United States. He claims double standards in a foreign policy preaching democracy and freedom for all while allying itself with non-democratic and repressive organizations and states such as Chile under Augusto Pinochet and argues that this results in massive human rights violations. He often argues that America""s intervention in foreign nations — including secret aid the U.S. gave to the Contras in Nicaragua, an event he has been critical of — fits any standard description of terrorism,[158] including "official definitions in the US Code and Army Manuals in the early 1980s."[159][160] Before its collapse, Chomsky also condemned Soviet imperialism; for example in 1986 during a question/answer following a lecture he gave at Universidad Centroamericana in Nicaragua, when challenged about how he could "talk about North American imperialism and Russian imperialism in the same breath," Chomsky responded: "One of the truths about the world is that there are two superpowers, one a huge power which happens to have its boot on your neck; another, a smaller power which happens to have its boot on other people""s necks. I think that anyone in the Third World would be making a grave error if they succumbed to illusions about these matters."[161]"


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