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Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway support programmes on children and youth at risk in seven beneficiary countries -Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania and Romania. Each programme, while sharing the same overall objective, is tailor-made to align with national needs and wider EU and donor country priorities.

According to the EU, children (aged 0-17) are generally more at risk of poverty or social exclusion than the overall population - 27 % compared to 24 % for the total population in the EU in 2011. The most vulnerable, such as children living in institutions for people with disabilities or in juvenile detention centre, can face numerous restrictions of or violations to their rights. Every day, children are trafficked or fall victim to sexual abuse.

Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway aim to address such threats and improve the well-being of children and young people at risk. The emphasis is on enhancing the quality of children welfare and protection systems. Improving health and social care access as well as school attendance and preschool day-care are also prioritised. Activities also target minorities, including Roma.

What is the objective of the programme?
Improved well-being of children and young people at risk

What are the expected results?

- International laws, policies and measures in the field of children’s and youth rights effectively implemented
- Improved quality of child welfare systems and protection measures
- Effective and efficient measures addressing vulnerable groups of children and youth at risk implemented
- Violence, abuse and exploitation against children and youth prevented and tackled
- Polices and standards of intervention in the field of juvenile justice developed and implemented
- Health and social care services provided to ensure equal access for children and youth
- Priorities, funded activities and eligibility criteria vary by programme.

Read more detailed information in the individual programme summary for each country: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania and Romania.



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