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S rodinou Bodnariu to vyzerá nádejne, aspoň podľa toho:

“Parents are initially charged with violence against all five children, but the charge may be changed, says Kleiven. After that BT know both parents have recognized the use of mild violence as part of their upbringing to some of the older children, but none of the youngest. The investigation is almost finished. The case will be sent to the public prosecutor in a short time. There is good correlation between what children have told and what the parents have acknowledged, says Kleiven.

What kind of violence are we talking about? I will not go into while the case is being investigated, but it is not a case of physical injury to children, says Kleiven.”

It is interesting to see what is happening at the local municipality who confiscated the children. According to Councilman Øyvind Bang-Olsen in Naustdal the international response has been overwhelming

“It has taken our breath away. We have never experienced so much pressure, it rang and rang. Hundreds phone [calls].” he said.

The above picture is a large pile of paper mail they have received in support of the Bodnarius.

The Romanian Evangelical movement throughout the world has united like never before and responded with tons of emails, traditional mail, and phone calls in addition to protests. It led to this unprecedented coverage and exposure in the mainstream media, even though it took 2 months.

This is a positive development.

The population of Norway is slowly becoming aware of the overreaching response of Barnevernet. We must press on to make them aware of human rights violations inside this governmental agency.



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