Přidat odpověď
Marko, ale tohle mi kupodivu nejak dava smysl:
"I am a Muslim woman,
Who like millions other Muslim women across the globe, chooses to wear the Hijab. And the concept of the Hijab, contrary to popular opinion, is actually one of the most fundamental aspects of female empowerment.
When I cover myself, I make it virtually impossible for people to judge me according to the way I look. I cannot be categorised because of my attractiveness or lack thereof.
Compare this to life in today’s society: We are constantly sizing one another up on the basis of our clothing, jewellery, hair and makeup. What kind of depth can there be in a world like this?
The superficiality of the world in which we live, external appearances are so stressed that the value of the individual counts for almost nothing. It is a myth that women in today’s society are liberated.
What kind of freedom can there be when a woman cannot walk down the street without every aspect of her physical self being ‘checked out’.
When I wear the Hijaab I feel safe from all of this. I can be rest assured that no one is looking at me and making assumptions about my character from the length of my skirt.
There is a barrier between me and those who would exploit me.
I am first and foremost a human being and not vulnerable because of my sexuality.
Look at any advertisement. Is a woman being used to sell the product? How old is she? How attractive is she? What is she wearing more often than not? That woman will be no older than her early 20s, taller, slimmer and more attractive than average. Why do we allow ourselves to be manipulated like this?
When people ask me if I feel oppressed, I can honestly say no. I made this decision out of my own free will.
My body is my own business.
Nobody can tell me how I should look or whether or not I am beautiful. I know that there is more to me than that. I am also able to say no comfortably when people ask me if I feel as though my sexuality is being repressed.
I have taken control of my sexuality
I have made choices about what my priorities are and these are not among them. So next time you see me, don’t look at me sympathetically.
I am not under duress or a male-worshipping female captive.
I’ve been liberated..."
Pokud to je opravdu jen a jen jeji volba...