Přidat odpověď
24. 3. vyhlásili zpřísnění opatření od 27.3. na měsíc (dva inkubační cykly). Omezení setkání na maximum 10 osob (kromě práce a školy). Kdo poruší karanténu, zaplatí 10 tisíc dolarů a hrozí mu 6 měsíců vězení. Cestující do Singapuru musí předložit zdravotní prohlášení.
"Singapore announced it will limit gatherings outside school and work to a maximum of 10 people to reduce the spread of COVID-19. All entertainment venues, including night clubs, discos, karaoke outlets, cinemas and theatres will be closed as well."
"From March 27, all travellers arriving in Singapore must submit a health declaration. This includes Singapore citizens, permanent residents and long-term pass holders. The health declaration, to be submitted online, is the latest measure introduced to reduce the risk of imported COVID-19 cases. Travellers may submit their declaration up to three days before arrival, but must resend it if there are changes to health conditions or travel history. The declaration can be done via the SG Arrival Card e-service, on the ICA website, or through a mobile app."
"Returning Singapore residents and long-term pass holders have to serve a 14-day Stay-Home Notice (SHN) once they arrive in the country. More than 21,000 stay-home notices have been issued to date, but there have been reports of alleged breaches. Responding to questions in Parliament, Home Affairs and Law Minister K Shanmugam said those who breach the stay-home notice will be charged in court. Under the Infectious Diseases Act, those who breach the rules could be jailed up to six months and fined $10,000."