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Švédský systém je fajn:
"Care home residents account for nearly half of deaths linked to Covid-19 in Sweden. Some healthcare workers believe an institutional reluctance to admit patients to hospital is costing lives.
Lili Sedghi""s father, Reza, was not seen by a doctor on the day he died from coronavirus, at his care home in northern Stockholm.
A nurse told her he""d had a morphine shot in the hours before he passed away, but he was not given oxygen, nor did staff call an ambulance. "No-one was there and he died alone," says Ms Sedghi. "It""s so unfair."
Most of the 3,698 people who have died from coronavirus in Sweden so far were over 70, despite the fact that the country said shielding risk groups was its top priority."
Akorát že celé léto měli opatření mnohem přísnější než my a ani teď nejsou úplně bez. A podle kartových společností jsou na tom ekonomicky hůř než jejich sousedi, ale na tahle čísla je asi ještě brzy, tam je potřeba počkat delší dobu.