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On se teda navíc nikam neukládá, je imunitním systémem zničen.
“What was said in the radio show was completely inaccurate,” Ratner said. “There is no spike protein in the vaccines first of all. The amounts that are made after the mRNA is injected are very small and it almost exclusively stays locally. It is nowhere near the amount he was talking about.”

In the radio interview, Bridle mentions a study of 13 health care workers that he said confirmed that the spike in protein was found in their blood. But experts say they found nothing of concern from that same study, which was conducted by researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and appeared in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases in May.

Bridle left out key details of the study, which relied on an ultrasensitive detection tool, said Matchett, of University of Minnesota.

“The spike became undetectable by 14 days after the first dose of the vaccine,” Matchett said of the study. “After the second dose, they could not detect the spike protein in the blood of any of the participants because the participants had all generated anti-spike antibodies.”

Bridle also mentioned a Japanese study to support his claims about the spike protein. But the study, which is written in Japanese, does not look at spike proteins from the vaccine, Matchett said.


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