Je to jiz stara historka, ale stale se o nej mluvi, takze dovolim se okomentovat tvuj postoj. Apelujes na zdravy rozum, ale vlastnis sama neco takoveho? Proc te nenapadlo se zeptat, proc dotycna pani zadala toho, ceho zadala, a na cem se opiraly jeji pozadavky? Nevim jestli za tu dobu jsi stihla zjistit, ze z vedeckeho hlediska, jeji pozadavky byly naprosto legitimni. Nebo z jakeho hlediska ty a tvoje kolegove rozhodujete, co je bezpecny a co neni? Proc ignorujete vysledky uz nekdy starych vyzkumu, jste tak zkorumpovani nebo tak neschopni a pitomi, ze nesledujete literaturu ze sveho oboru?
Rikas, ze porodni asistentky berou svoji praci jako povolani. No, takovych asistentek si vazim, ale ty co znam, jsou odvazne zeny, kteri nedelaji poskoka administrative porodnic, doktorum a farmaceutickym firmam. Nejen svoji praci miluji, ale take jsou velice sectele a jsou schopne oponovat jakekoliv medialni zprave nebo lekarskemu vyzkumu, ktere opira kompetenci zeny zdrave rodit bez technokraticke kontroli. Podivej se na vice nez 10 rok stary porodni plan, ktery tvoje kolegyne takoveho razu s obdivem publikovali ve svym casopisu. Jen pro vysvetleni, porodni plan pochazi z prostredi velice konservaticniho porodnictvi USA.:
Birth Plan
by Janine DeBaise
© 1996 Midwifery Today, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
[Editor"s note: This article first appeared in Midwifery Today Issue 37, Spring 1996.]
Here is the plan for the birth of my child. I"ve taken words from the dreams of 200 women. I"m translating them for the hospital staff.
1. No blue hospital gown. No sterile drapes. When I give birth, I want to be naked. I want my body to choose the colour of its growing.
2. No enema. No antiseptic wash. No shaving of pubic hair. If I wanted to shave something, I"d shave my head. Like Jean-Luc Picard. I"ve always wanted to be captain of a star ship. When I give birth, I explore uncharted territory, I move and writhe into new worlds. I want to go where no man has gone before.
In 1872, an English doctor named John Braxton Hicks discovered pre-labor contractions. This was sort of like Columbus discovering America. Some people already knew it was there.
3. No drugs. No epidural.
I want to feel the baby moving, his hard head pushing through layers of me. My bones shifting, my uterus contracting. I want to feel birth. I want to know fire.
4. No episiotomy. No amniotomy. I don"t want anything that rhymes with lobotomy. I prefer to stretch slowly, burning in a rim of panting breaths, around my baby"s head.
Pierre Vellay, MD, wrote that pregnant women must be "trained in the proper way." His vision: Laboring women "like expert engineers with perfect machines and carefully presented information (who) control, direct and regulate their bodies."
5. No Pitocin drip. No synthetic hormone to stimulate labor. Let my baby choose his own birthday. My body does not recognize the ticking of the clock on the wall.
I don"t want to control my body. I want to surrender. Let the darkness soak through me, drip down my legs. Let the pulse of that unborn voice throb through me.
I don"t want a needle stuck in my hand. If my labor slows, I"ll lie in the sun on a fur quilt and let my husband caress MY nipples. I prefer to get my hormones the primitive way.
6. No electric fetal monitor.
I don"t need a machine to tell me how my baby is doing. He kicks, he twists, he somersaults inside of me.
Robert Bradley, MD, advocated the idea of the husband as the labor coach. He liked the idea of natural birth, but still he thought that somehow a man had to be in charge.
7. No bright lights. No noise. No softball cheers. Don"t give me instructions. My body knows what to do. Birth is not a team sport. I don"t want a coach. I want my husband"s presence. His hands to grip. His arms a sling to lean the baby bulk against. His face a mirror in which I can watch my baby emerging.
8. No stupid jokes. No cheerful chatter. No television, please. I want to listen to the moans rising in my throat. I want to hear the child singing in my womb.
In the 1950s a French obstetrician named Ferdinand Lamaze began teaching something he called childbirth without pain. French Catholics were horrified, the Bible said it was supposed to be painful.
9. No delivery table. I am not a plate of spaghetti. Let me give birth on the bed. A table works fine for conception, but it"s way too hard and far too awkward for birth.
"Male science disregards female experiences because it can never share them." Grantly Dick-Read said this in 1933. No one listened to him.
I know what I want for my baby.
No nursery. No pacifier. No bottles. No crib. No cheerful, white-coated, well-scrubbed, briskly walking, thermometer-wielding nurses, please.
Let the baby sleep against my skin, nurse from my breast, wrap his wrinkled blue limbs in the heat of my body.
10. Nothing intrauterine, nothing intravenous.
I prefer to give birth in simple words. Breathe. Push. Touch. Pain. Wet. Stretch. Bum. Birth. Yes.
For 50 years, doctors have used these terms. Braxton-Hicks contractions. Bradley birth. Lamaze breathing. But a woman knows. The mystery is too overwhelming. We can never name it.
When the baby"s head crowns, I want to touch the wrinkled scalp. I want to cradle the head in my palms while he is still inside of me, his neck stuck in the warm swollen parts of me. My moans will be the guide I need to pull him out of myself.
Hot compresses. Yes.
Dim lights, a bathtub of warm water. Yes.
Hands massaging me. Yes.
My husband lying next to me, solid to lean against. Yes.
The smell and feel of a slippery newborn baby wriggling against my naked skin.
Janine DeBaise teaches writing and literature at the State University New York College of Environmental Science and Forest (SUNY-CESF), but she says her most important job is rearing her four children (ages 1, 4, 7 and 9). Her poem "Birth Moment" was in Midwifery Today Issue No. 36.
Tvoje kolegyne by nemely problem nejen s monitorovani ale ani z pozadavkem vynechat vaginalni vysetreni v I. dobe porodni, pokud klientka o nej nezada. Totiz kdo nechce nic urychlovat, a porod evidentne se rozebiha, neni problem. V te 2. take problem by nebyl, protoze zena, ktera si mysli, ze je schopna citit lepe, ma na to pravo. A mimochodem ty tvoje americke a zapadoevropske nezavisle kolegyne maji stejne dobre vysledky jako lekari, lepsi jestli pripocitame to, ze jejich klientky rodi za hodne mensi prostredky a postoupi o hodne mene lekarskych zakroku. Tak co na to rika tvuj "zdravy rozum"? Nepletes si ho nahodou se znalostmi stredoskolskeho vzdelani pochybne kvality?