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Day 7: Aqaba forever

Autor: polivka , 27.11.2005

The day started when a taxi picked me up from the hotel before 8am, and took me to the border. Then I got into my car, and together with a member of the border staff drove to the Customs Office in the port of Aqaba. In the port I was enjoying the distinguished company of uncomplicated men, each of whom was smoking at least one cigarette at any single point of time, while Mohamed - a clearing company agent - was taking care (and money) of me. To my worries if we would be ever able to complete the processing on the same day, he kept telling me his simple answer: inshallah. At the end of the day, the god`s will was a little bit different from what I was after. I am so glad I will have the honour of seeing those chaps tomorrow again.

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