23.3.2016 23:47:06 *Aida*
Re: Je suis Bruxelles
A dalsi cast o jidle a pustu:
Many religions or beliefs have specific
dietary requirements. For this reason, those bringing food into work may need to store and heat it separately from other food. For instance, some Jewish people cannot store meat products alongside dairy products, and Muslims will not wish their food to be in contact with pork or with anything that may have been in contact with pork. Those who are vegetarian for reasons of religion or belief may not wish their food to be stored near meat. These are all very real issues for those concerned, and employers should be ready to discuss and reach acceptable solutions.
In some religions, it is a requirement to fast for a certain period of time. Consideration should be given to ways of supporting staff during these periods, but employers should also be careful to ensure that excessive extra duties are not placed on other staff which could cause conflict or claims of discrimination.