13.6.2012 8:19:54 MarkétaP + 4 dcerky
Re: Znecitlivující spray na odběr krve
Remcat mohou, ale podle všeho nemá JAK ty výsledky ovlivnit.
Lidocaine alters signal conduction in neurons by blocking the fast voltage gated sodium (Na+) channels in the neuronal cell membrane that are responsible for signal propagation.[25] With sufficient blockage the membrane of the postsynaptic neuron will not depolarize and will thus fail to transmit an action potential. This creates the anaesthetic effect by not merely preventing pain signals from propagating to the brain but by stopping them before they begin.
Že by mohl jakkoli ovlivnit složení jakýchkoli sledovaných látek v krvi je značně nepravděpodobné.