The customer subsequently filed a complaint with Oregon""s Bureau of Labor and Industries, 9 months later, alleging the bakery had discriminated against her and her fiancée because of their sexual orientation.[5] Aaron Klein responded by posting a copy of the complaint""s first page on their Facebook page, which contained the full names and contact information of the customer and her fiancée.[4] When the couple discovered this, they had their lawyer contact Klein, who then removed the posting. While only up for a single day, this posting ultimately resulted in death threats against the couple and their family.[4] On February 1, 2013, news media became aware of the case despite the couple""s efforts to avoid public attention.[4] A few weeks after, a demonstration occurred outside the bakery criticizing their refusal to make the cake, though it was organized by individuals with no association with the original couple, and the couple did not attend it.[4] After receiving extensive criticism on Facebook and in the news, the Kleins closed their storefront in September 2013, switching to operating the business from their home
Jen bych chtela upozornit, ze "Oregon""s Bureau of Labor and Industries" neni soud. Pekar byl obzalovan po uverejneni vsech udaju na FB.
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